You have probably seen this as a search result and wondering if you would find any helpful suggestions on how to make money online in Nigeria. Well, when you are done reading this article, you would be glad you found us. Especially if you are seeking to find ways to make money online as a student.
Your concerns, though, are justified. Reason being that there are one too many persons and blogs with fairytale stories on the net. Some may claim to have tips on how to make money online in seconds. Others might profess to make you madly rich overnight in exchange for a token.
Sadly, a lot of persons have fallen for this antic farce and are left with nothing but regrets. The good news is; this article is aimed at providing valid and legitimate ways to make money online.
However, if you are here hoping to see a quick way to make crazy money online with minimal effort on your part, I’m afraid you are in the wrong place. But if you are resilient and willing to exploit opportunities, the internet would certainly reward you.
How to Make Money Online in Nigeria
It doesn’t matter if you are a fulltime employee of a large corporation, a civil servant, a university student, a corps member, a business person, a freelancer or you are currently unemployed and seeking for a job.
There are numerous avenues to make money online in Nigeria. While some money making methods may require no capital investment, others might require little or more.
Irrespective of your choice of making money online, consistency, determination and creativity are important to increase your chances of success. As far as you are connected to the internet, there will always exist opportunities to make some extra cash from the comfort of your home.
Without further ado, below are some interesting ways to legitimately make money online for beginners in Nigeria.
1. Sell Products on eCommerce Websites

What Are eCommerce Websites?
E-commerce Websites are online platforms that allow merchants to list and sell products to consumers on their websites. Payporte, DealDay, Jumia, Konga, Jiji, eBay and Aliexpress are good examples of an eCommerce Website.
How to Make Money on eCommerce Websites
Firstly, you would need to register as a merchant on these eCommerce websites.
Secondly, for Payporte, DealDay, Jumia, Konga and Aliexpress you can make a profit by purchasing products offline (in bulk for discounted prices), then list these products (upload a photo, name it appropriately).
Give a description and include a price tag on these websites to enable their large number of online audiences buy these products from you. This would give you access to an audience you wouldn’t be able to reach offline.
As for Jiji and eBay, you can sell used items in their websites. I have sold some of my gadgets I no longer found useful on these websites. However, you could also sell brand new items as well.
It is important to note that you can also rent out landed properties on Jiji, and if you provide a service such as homeschooling, plumbing etc., you can list your service on there.
2. Create a Blog or a Website

This might sound cliché, but the good old blogging niche still provides handsome rewards in 2021.
How to Make Money From Blogging in Nigeria
The key to having a successful blog is knowing your consumer (KYC). How then do you know your consumer? You can know what your content consumer wants by analysing what they search for.
There are several internet tools to analyse which keywords (e.g., UberSuggest, Google Trends) are doing well in your niche and then compare it with the availability of content providers in that niche.
If a keyword is over crowded with internet giants (prominent websites), it is best to find a less crowded keyword or key phrase.
However, there should be a demand for what you are ditching out. You get rewarded satisfying a want. The more traffic you get to your blog the more money you can make from that blog.
Additionally, it is pertinent to improve in your consistency. When you regularly provide quality content, you attract users to your blog and when there are related topics they can read, it increases your retention ratio. This is one very good way to make money online as a student in Nigeria.
3. Set Up a Vlog

This has a lot common with blogging, only you would be uploading videos instead of write-ups. Even so, you might have to construct a script, just so deliver organised contents.
How to Make Money From Vlogging
First, you would need to create a YouTube channel. Then upload quality video contents to attract audience in your niche. Like blogging, it is important to conduct a keyword or key phrase research because embarking of the making and distribution of video contents.
4. Virtual Tutoring
What Does It Mean to Be a Virtual Tutor?
A virtual tutor is someone who conduct one-on-one tutor sessions or host Webinars to help explain or expostulate a concept or topic for a fee.
How to Make Money From Being a Virtual Tutor
You can set up an account on Tutors NG (or any virtual tutor website) and create online materials that can teach someone what you know. This is a good way to monetize your knowledge.
5. Publish eBooks

You may be wondering how to make money online in Nigeria without spending a dime. Well, writing a book or short stories in order to sell it online is a low-budget way to make money on the internet.
How to Make Money From Publishing Books Online?
You can write books, novels, short stories, reviews, articles or anything worth reading. Then upload it on a publishing platform and you would get paid whenever someone downloads or read your work. It easy, quick and free, that is if writing is your hobby.
Examples of online publishing platforms are Amazon, Okadabooks etc.
6. Affiliate Marketing

Do you have a good social media presence? Put differently, are you a social media influencer? Or do you already have a blog, website or vlog? Here is an opportunity you should exploit. Yes! Affiliate marketing.
How to Make Money From Affiliate Marketing
Most eCommerce websites have affiliate programs that connect vlog, blog and websites owners to provide assistance in marketing products these eCommerce websites. However, if you have a good social media presence or you are an influencer, you can also apply to these affiliate programs.
Amazon, Jumia, Konga etc., all have affiliate programs.
7. Social Media Promotion

If you are funny or speak intellectually and as a result have a huge fan base on social media platform. You can monetize it by promoting products or services on your page.
Sometimes notable brands and entrepreneurs may reach out to you via DM to advertise their product or services on your page. Other times, you would have to take the initiative and speak convincingly with brand to promote their products on your page in exchange for a fee.
How to Make Money From Twitter
For example, the first cash I made online was from twitter. That was back in 2011 when I spoke with a brand via DM and we agreed on price. With each day that passes by, social media influencers are cashing out big time.
How to Make Money From Instagram
Apart from promoting brands via an IG post, you can make money on Instagram by putting up someone’s music on your IG story.
8. Mobile Apps and Websites Testing
Apps & Websites Testing is one way to improve internet users’ experience and at the same time receive an incentive for your work. You can make money without spending a dime here, just maybe a little bit of data.
How It Works
Developers are seeking to improve newly created mobile apps and websites, as well as existing ones. Hence, they need testers (real persons) to detect if there any bugs that need fixing, in order to enhance overall user experience.
If any bug is discovered, testers are expected to report it to the app developers or website owners. And incentives are given to these testers with each app or website they test.
9. Selling Designs Online
Suppose you have some basic design experience, you can upload and sell your designs to customers online. Whenever a customer request for a print with your design or makes use of your design, you would be given some reward.
An example of an online creative marketplace is Printivo.
10. Listing of Landed Properties
You can earn some easy cash as an agent when you list a landed property for rent or sale on property websites. Suppose you discover there are properties available for sale or rent in your neighbourhood, you could legally make some money (agent fee) of it by listing it on a these websites.
How It Works
First, you would have to register as an agent on Jumia House, Jiji, Tolet or any online property platform. Make sure you get the permission to take photos of the premises, then upload and fill in the blank fields on the website.
11. Online Surveys

This method of making money has existed for more than a decade now, even in Nigeria. It is one way to make money at your leisure. All you have to do is provide answers to the survey questions and you will get rewarded as soon as you are done.
It is a form of product testing practice done by research companies to ascertain how well their new products will do when they hit the market. I for one have engaged in filling online surveys some years back. I worked with a company called Geo Poll.
12. Offer Professional Services Online
There are several freelancing websites like Fiverr, which allow users to leverage their skills in exchange for a few bucks. Therefore, if you are writer or content creator, SEO, website or graphic designer, mobile app developer, social media enthusiast and more, you can give this a go.
The Bottom Line
Truth be told, there are business opportunities everywhere, especially places you least expect them. For instance, at the beginning of this century who could have known that social media promotion will become a thing about half a decade into it.
You don’t have to be overseas to enjoy what the internet has to offer. There are online business opportunities right here in Nigeria. In fact, you could observe what is trending in the western world and set up a similar enterprise over here.
That is the success story of most rich online business persons in Nigeria. For example, in a time when online betting was a new concept in Nigeria it wasn’t overseas, Akin Alabi saw the opportunity and Nairabet was born. You know the rest of the story.
We hope you find this article useful in your journey to financial freedom. It is okay to bookmark this page because we will be updating this article with more online opportunities and business ideas from time to time. And don’t forget to share this with your friends, for we rise by lifting others.
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Is quite good and encouraging